Our Mission
The mission of AIM Strong, Inc. is to help support and encourage families who have a child undergoing bone marrow transplant. We provide gift cards to offset the expenses of relocation and extended hospital stay required for transplant.
What We Do
Families selected by the social worker at the transplant center complete an application for assistance. Based on needs identified in that application, AIM Strong, Inc. mails gift cards to families to assist with financial needs during transplant.
Mary Jo Becerra
AIM Strong, Inc.
"It is my heart’s mission to honor Israel and his memory by helping BMT families be like sunflowers so that even on the hardest days, the darkest days, they can stand tall and find the sunlight."
Fulfilling our mission to help BMT families would not be possible without your generosity. AIM Strong, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization* and, as such, all donations are tax-deductible. Each donation will be recognized with note of thanks and a tax receipt.
*EIN: 81-3670021.